


昨日来たのがアラブ首長国連邦のAli Ahmadさんからのメール。



  • 私はドバイの銀行の投資部門の人間である
  • 石油会社の富豪が財産を預けたまま震災で亡くなった
  • もうすぐ預かり期限が切れ、このままだと金は銀行のものになる
  • 彼の死が銀行にバレる前に、相続の手続きをして金を引き出したい
  • あなたは彼と同じ苗字なので、彼の近親者として相続の手続きをして欲しい
  • 法を侵害することはなくリスクフリーだ
  • お金はあなたと私で半分ずつ分ける






Assalamu alaykum  ‘Peace be upon you. I am Ali Ahmad. the Chief of Investment Banking at Dubai Islamic Bank UAE . 
I am contacting you to seek your assistance in taking advantage of a situation in the bank i work with here in Dubai.
I am the account officer of one Mr. Noah (ここに私の名字), a Foreign Oil Consultant/Contractor with Oil and Natural Gas industry here in the UAE, who unfortunately lost his life in the earthquake disaster that happened on the 27th of February 2010 in CHILE.
525 people died with 25 missing and never found. 

Before death, Noah had a fixed deposit with Dubai Islamic Bank valued at $18M for 180 calendar months which is 15 years 2009-2024.
The fixed investment contract with our bank expired 23rd October 2024 so our Bank Board of directors requested  that Noah should give instructions on what to do about his funds if to renew the contract. I know this will happen and that is why I have been looking for a means to handle the situation. 
If the Bank Board of directors happens to know that Noah is dead and do not have any Heir, they will take the funds for themselves.

I am seeking your cooperation to present you as Next of Kin to the account since you have the same Last name.
Having the same last name is an advantage to the plan and our bank will release the account to you with my help as your insider. 

There is no risk involved.  The transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.  
It is better that we claim the money than allowing our Bank Board of directors to take it for themselves.  
I am not a greedy person, so I am suggesting we share the funds in equal terms of, 50/50 .

If this sounds like the sort of opportunity you’d be interested in , kindly send a  response so that I can send you more details to proceed on this opportunity.



